Fanny Blincoe [4423] 1893-1976 and Arthur C Hill 1895-1967 Scrapbook All Scrapbook Galleries Long Crendon Fanny’s birthplace and where she grew up. Church End Long Crendon Another view of Church End C1900. Again are any of these children Sidney, Fanny or Lily Blincoe Copyright Bucks County Council Fanny in 1911 was a Servant to Emmeline Eade in Brondesbury sister Ada living with family nearby at Edmund Road Kilburn. Image 1911 Census return and google street view 2015 1900 OS map showing location of 62 Cavendish Rd where Fanny was in service in 1911 Older sister Ada Atkins (BLiNCOE) and her two daughters with sisters Lily and Fanny. Photo probably taken about 1917-18 in Willesden London. My guess based on Mary Elizabeth born 1902 looks about 16 years of age . This would make Fanny about 24-25 years of age. The Kilburn Connection. Note: Sisters Ada, Louisa and Fanny most likely followed their cousin Rosa Blincoe (daughter of Mark Blincoe) to Kilburn, . Rosa was several years older and by 1887 had married Albert Stickley and was living in Claremount Rd .Willesden in 1901. Cousin Martha Jane Blincoe (also daughter of Mark Blincoe) also moved to Kilburn and in 1903 married Wallace Pinner there. Portrait of Fanny that was obviously taken about same time of the Ada family shot in 1917-18 in Kilburn This photo was taken along with other photos of sister Fanny and sister Ada and her daughters. Looks like the photographic studio was located at 224 High Rd Kilburn close to where Ada was living .Photo’s taken probably around 19117-18. Photo supplied by niece Doris Hill in 2009 Again this photo of Fanny looks to be taken at the same time as previous ones possibly even the same studio. Charles and Fanny photograph taken prior or at wedding in 1919 On the right Louisa Smith in her 30’s with her sister Fanny Hill 9 years her junior, who would have been married by this time and visting from Hendon, London Photo supplied by grand daughter Mabel Head who estimates photo taken C1935. Photo supplied by Mabel Head Great Grandaughter of Jonah Blincoe This 1937 OS map shows the houses that Fanny and Charles were living in by 1939 Census. Nearby the 1929 Hendon Isolation Hospital see following photos of the area. This aerial photo shows the Isolation Hospital built 1929 and the Goldsmith Houses built post WW1. Copyright Hendon in the 1930’s was still full of open fields as this photo of Hendon from Kingsbury shows It would seem that by 1939 Charles was a supervisor at Johnson and Sons Manufacturing Chemists of 333 Hendon way. They made fine chemicals and mostly those for photographic purposes. This advert from 1929 when they established themselves in Hendon after moving from Finsbury Click here to see Arthur Charles Hill WW1 service All Scrapbook Galleries